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The Gift Of The Magi
(O. Henry, William Sydney Porter)

The Magi were wise men from the Orient who brought gifts to the Christ Child. The Scriptures do not tell us their names or how many there were, though tradition holds that there were three whose names were Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar(spellings vary). They followed the Star of Bethlehem in order to find the stable where the holy Baby was humbly laid. The gifts they brought were gold, frank incense, and myrrh, each of which had its own intrinsicas well as latent value. Mr. and Mrs. James Dillingham Young (also known as Della) area newly married couple living in a one room apartment andstruggling to make ends meet from paycheck to paycheck. Although they are poor,they have two possessions which they are equally proud of displaying: Jim's gold pocketwatch and Della's long luxurious hair. It is not a selfish pride they feel: both get a vicarious enjoyment from the other one's treasure. These two items are crucial to the plot of the story. One Christmas Eve, as Della counts her meager savings and wonders what she can possibly get Jim for a gift, she has an inspiration. She is all aglow after her shopping trip, and can hardly wait for Jim to get home from the office. When he arrives, he seems strangely preoccupied, and Della is befuddled by his reaction when he opens his present, until she sees what he had bought her. Then she understands why he had acted so strangely, so they have a good laugh about it and put their "useless" gifts away.William Sydney Porter is known for his ironic endings, and this classic short story is a fine example of his work. Not a single word is wasted as he turns one simple incident involving two ordinary people into a memorable commentary on the best in human nature. The character of self sacrificing love is displayed in all its glory. Although written many years ago,the truth of the tale is as relevant today as when it was first published.

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- The Gift Of The Magi

- The Gift Of The Magi

- The Gift Of The Magi

- The Gift Of The Magi

- The Gift Of The Magi

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