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Scene 1

There is the night. Francisco is guarginga castle. Marcellus, Horacyand Bernardo join him. They are mentioned together the visit of the nordic king's ghost. The king has die recency. Few minutes later, the visit is befalling again, and the ghost appeared. They want to make him stay with them, but the gost goes away quickly. The guards consider this strange visit. Horacy is trying to explain to companions, that the king trashed not long ago the nordic prince called Fortinbras. A son of the prince, called Fortinbras too, racked troops up to overrun Denmark. Horacyperceives ghost's visit as a presage of harmful accidants. Then, the ghost appears a time again, but vanish with the dawning. Guards are going to tell everything young prince.

Scene II
The new king claimed, the death of his wife's brother can't intluent on the country. He says, that this is what Fortinbras is waiting for. He decides to send messangers to Norway with a request. They have to ask the Fortinbras about stopan operation.
Gertruda namawia Hamleta, by ten przesta? rozpami?tywa? ?mier? ojca, bowiem jego smutek i przygn?bienie i tak nic nie zmieni?. Gertrud? popiera Klaudiusz, który stara si? wp?yn?? na Hamleta i jego samopoczucie. Stara si? t?umaczy?, i? ?mierci nie nale?y si? sprzeciwia?, bowiem jest zgodna z wol? nieba. Stryj i matka namawiaj? Hamleta, by zrezygnowa? z dalszych studiów w Wittenberdze i pozosta? przy ich boku. Ksi??e na propozycj? przystaje, ale ma ?al do matki, ?e tak szybko porzuci?a ?a?ob? po ojcu i za m??a wzi??a jego brata.

Hamlet spotyka si? z wartownikami oraz z Horacym, swoim przyjacielem. Opowiadaj? mu oni o duchu, który kilka razy pojawi? si? ju? na tarasie. Hamlet postanawia nast?pnym razem uda? si? wraz z nimi na wart?.

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- Hamlet

- Hamlet

- Hamlet

- Hamlet

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