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Improve Your Communication Skills
(Alan Barker)

Words when used properly can catch the eyes and touch the heart. Conversation is best when language is understood by both parties. In language, the word selection, syntax and grammatical formation too should be considered. Apart from this, the context in which one is speaking must be kept in mind, as well as one puts it should be given attention.

Alan Barker says, skilled enquiry actually helps the other person to think better. Skills of enquiry can be summarized under six headings

1. Paying attention: Poor attention will make other hesitate, stammer and doubt the soundness of their thinking. Listening well means helping other person to find out their ideas and to make their thinking visible.

2. Treat as equals: Patronizing the speaker is the greatest enemy of equality in conversations. As soon as you know better than the other person, or provide the answers for them or suggest that their is an inadequate, you are patronizing them.

3. Cultivate ease: Make yourself comfortable, lean back, breath out, smile, look keen and slow down your speaking rhythm.

4. Encouraging: In a conversation, you may need to actively encourage the other person to give you their ideas. Do not compete.

5. Ask quality questions: questions are the most obvious way to enquire into other people?s thinking

6. Rationing information: If one wants to enquire more in conversation, one needs to think about why one asks questions, how to ask them and what kind of questions to ask.

These skills will help one give the other person the respect and space they deserve to develop their own ideas, to make their thinking visible.

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