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Along Came Spider
(James Patterson)

Combine kidnapping, murder, phsychotic tendancies, and a brilliant Washington D.C. Detective, and you get Along Came a Spider. Detective Alex Cross, Phychologist by nature and degree turned police Detective, comes across the kidnapping of two prominant children in the upper D.C. area. The investigation leads to a cross-country romp following a phsychopathic killer bent on becoming more famous than Dahmer and Bundy. Calling himself the "Son of Lindbergh", a killer of mutliple faces and names plays more mindgames with the authorities chasing him than any other killer Cross has come up against. With a startling finale that leads to the apprehension of the unexpected, Alex Cross must take a good look at himself as he faces down one of his greatest fears, losing himself to his work.

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- Along Came A Spider

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- Along Came A Spider

- Along Came A Spider

- Cross (ann Patterson)

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