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(William Shakespeare)

Is evil born into a man, or is it planted by the seed of greed, lust, and promise? Is sin a choice, or destiny? A man is torn between what is moral, and what is desired. The question of free will and destiny are challeneged in a play were good versus evil is portrayed through man's vicious decent into fortune and power. A man's choice to succeed at all costs is something that many in today's society can identify with. Is it wrong to sell one'ssoul to a sinisteract, if fame and prestige follow? What is shown by the tempatations of the mistresses of evil is never as clear as whatman truly desires in the deepest and darkest part of his psychy. Is what is said to be true, actuallythe concept of what is reality? Is the attainable worth the price of deception?Read to seethe darkest desires of man destroy the pure stength of the sanctity of marriage and the bonds of brotherhood. Read to see the fall of a ladyand her powerlesssubmissionto become thedevil's concubine. Is her inability to become"unsexed" from the reality of her monsterous actions afitpunishment to theunclean spots upon her naked conscience?

Resumos Relacionados

- The Witches

- The Devil And Miss Prym

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- Relevance Of Religion In The Modern Times

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