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Liverpool Fantasy
(Larry Kirwan)

It's 1986; the world, England especially, has become a bleak place indeed. No place more so than Liverpool. Three citizens struggle to make ends meet. A fourth, who has spirited off to America, is doing much better;but even he feels that things could have been better.

Yes, the Beatles, as we knew them, never happened.Therefore, John lennon, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison are struggling in the depressed economy of Liverpool; Paul Montana(ne McCartney), a successful Las Vegas lounge singer, lives comparatively in the lap of luxury, but feels a responsibility to his former mates, and, like them, wonders if they could have done better. So, he returns to Liverpool for a visit and musical reunion.

What follows is at times touching, sometimes insane, but always interesting, as wives, ex-wives , girlfriends and hangers-on, make this an unforgettable experience.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Beatles Clip

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- Os Beatles

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