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Me Talk Pretty One Day
(David Sedaris)

Presenting: A Review of Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris

When I first began reading this book, I was disappointed by the author?s way of expressing himself. It seemed like he was constantly trying to be original, and the outcome was not impressive. Though, my opinion soon changed as I sank deeper into his words. He wasn?t trying too hard; he was just being himself on paper.

As David Sedaris tells you about different memories of his life, you feel like you?re standing there with him. Me Talk Pretty One Day gathers the thoughts of a very interesting person, in my opinion. You come along with Sedaris through his darker and happier phases, from his humoristic childhood to his drug abuse and life in Paris.

This book gives a refreshing perspective; a brutal honesty that shocks you but enables you to relate. It?s as if Sedaris bravely channels all of the thoughts you would never admit to thinking.

One very convenient aspect of Me Talk Pretty One Day is that almost anyone can relate to it. These are insecurities that we all have at one point or another, and now we can read about someone else?s. I would definitely recommend this book to readers who are able to connect with unconventional ideas and stories.

The two main themes in the story:

Sellf Acceptance:

Throughout the entire book, Sedaris discusses his insecurities about his looks, talents, intelligence, and general self-worth. He recalls memories of his ex- boyfriends and his jealousy of them. Somehow, they were always smarter or better-looking than him. Also, his in confidence returns as he tries his hand at art; ?The only crimp in my plan was that I seemed to have no talent whatsoever.? Though, by the end of the story, you kind of feel his slow acceptance of his flaws and his learning about himself. There?s finally a hint of Sedaris embracing his personality and habits, as we all should.

The Importance of Originality:

Sedaris makes it clear throughout the story that we shouldn?t act under stereotypes, because then we would all be the same. For example, he takes different traditions and habits of the American culture. When you think of the typical American, they might be pampered, polite, and fake, but that?s not recommended.

Sedaris finds some American traditions pointless and ridiculous, and truly proves himself as an original outsider. Well, I don?t know about everyone else, but I?d rather be an original outsider than ?just another one of the crowd.?

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