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Judge Dredd - Justice One

ENNIS, GARTH & BURNS, JOHN - JUDGE DREDD - JUSTICE ONE 2002 TITAN BOOKS Graphic and very violent Judge Dredd comic strip adventure. Dredd is sent on what should be a routine space flight to inspect how judges are running affairs on colonial planets belonging to Mega City One, where he usually operates. The crew and judges don?t expect anything to go wrong, but they are barely in hyperspace when one of the judges is murdered. It would be a disappointing read if things had gone smoothly. With only Judges on board (including the pilots), Dredd realises that it is an inside job. He immediately takes charge, as the senior judge on board, ignoring any claims that he himself could be the killer. Around him, the other judges die. The killers try to rendezvous with pirates, but Dredd soon takes them out too. Eventually there is only he and the two killers, the pilots left alive. They just got tired of their duties and hoped to steal the space ship and set off to find their own world. After an abortive attack by on board robots fails, they flush Dredd into space. Already wearing breathing apparatus, he gives them an ultimatum. If they surrender, he won?t shoot the Plexiglas on the cockpit windows. They tell him that he wouldn?t dare and try to kill him. Dredd makes good on his threat and the evil judges are sucked out into space. Dredd calls for help from a freighter bound for Pluto, and sits in the wreckage, the sole survivor, contemplating how he has brought justice about again. The story is lavishly illustrated with some very impressive space hardware and explosions. The plot is slight but thrilling, and the victory seems somehow empty and wasteful for the reader, though not necessarily for Judge Dredd. A terrific piece of simple action adventure story telling.

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