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Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea
(Jules Verne)

The hero of Jules Verne's fiction book Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea is Captain Nemo.Captain Nemo was an explorer who used his submarine craft, The Nautilus, to navigate through the amazing underwater world. He had abandoned his life on land to explore the deep Sea and its hidden secrets. The story is about French scientist, his servant, and a harpooner named Ned Land who is looking for a terrible sea monster that is sinking ships, especially warships. Instead, they discover that the sea monster is actually The Nautilus, captained by Captain Nemo.Captain Nemo allows them inside his submarine and proceeds to take them on a global adventure under the ocean. Captain Nemo designed and built The Nautilus himself. He was a scientist and an explorer, and was courageous enough to explore a place that no one had seen before.Jules Verne published the book in 1870, a time that marine ecology wasn't much known. The book 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea helped to educate people about the importance of preserving life under the ocean.

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