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Mandalas As To Use The Energy Of The Sacred Drawings
(Andressa Paul)

In the Mandalas book As To use the Energy of the Sacred Drawings, Celina Fioravante in the presenteia with a beautiful simple workmanship regarding mandalas, so enigmatic and beautiful e. By being a present symbol in varied cultures, even though between the Brazilian indians Ayaãna who used them in its wheels of ceiling in the huts, mandalas has attracted a number each bigger time of interested in its knowledge and its therapeutical use. CD-Rom Mandalas folloies this volume of the Publishing company Thought - Sacred Drawings, gracious and competent, with music of deep inspirer for the reflection and creation that the author considers exactly in volume.O reading will learn what they are mandalas, so that they serve and will enter in a world of magic and intuition, dealing with its forces spirituals and bringing up to date its positive vibrations in the planet.

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