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The Eagle Of The Ninth
(Rosemary Sutcliff)

The Eagle of the Ninth (Published in 1954) by Rosemary Sutcliff is a prime example of just how good children?s writing can be. Aimed at older children (the 14 - 16 age group would enjoy this book), the story is set in Second Century Roman Britain and follows the career of a young Roman centurion, Marcus Flavius Aquila.Posted to a fort in Isca Dumnoniorum (Exeter), Marcus is terribly injured during an attack by local tribesman. A military man from a military family, he is distraught and unsure about the future, now that his army career is over. Not knowing what else to do, he goes to live at his uncle?s villa in Cavalla Atribatum (Silchester) while his leg slowly heals.Whilst here, he buys an ex-gladiator, Esca, as a slave. Esca was a warrior with the north British tribe, the Brigantes. Both being frustrated soldiers, master and slave have much in common, and the two form a strong friendship.Marcus is not the first of his family to serve in Britain. His father was with the Ninth Legion; a legion which marched north and was never heard of again. Marcus hears that there is a rumour that the Ninth Legion?s standard is being held by tribesmen north of the border and that it is dangerous as it may serve as a symbol for British tribes to unite under in their fight against Rome. Thus, he volunteers to attempt to recover the standard, a golden eagle, and make the hazardous journey north of Hadrian?s Wall. He frees Esca from his status as a slave; however, Esca, out of friendship, agrees to accompany him on his journey.After much travelling in the north, Marcus finally hears of the standard. He is told that it was taken from the battle where the Ninth Legion was slaughtered by The Epidaii, a tribe based in Western Scotland. He goes to the tribe and, in his assumed role of an itinerant eye doctor, soon ingratiates himself into the affections of the people. Finding the eagle, he and Esca stage a daring theft and then attempt to reach the safety of Hadrian?s Wall before the tribesmen can catch them.This is a wonderfully well-written story and the attention to detail helps to take the reader into the world of Roman Britain. The Eagle of the Ninth is a novel of friendship and of challenge. Most of all, however, it is novel that shows the difference between an individual with purpose and an individual without.

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