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The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner And Other Poems
(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)

Imagine that you are on a ship stuck in the middle of a vast ocean. There is ?not a drop to drink?& all the crew members are mysteriously dying. Finally only a ?Mariner? survives. The ship sails again, but there is no wind! A ghost ship passes by. The dead seamen come back to life as a troop of dead spirits enter their bodies- Spooked? You ought to be. However, there is more to it.?The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner?, chronicles the spiritual journey of an individual. It tells the tale of crime, guilt and redemption. The Supernatural employed by the poet is allegorical. The Mariner kills the Albatross & this evokes the hidden forces. William Wordsworth & Samuel Taylor Coleridge are the two pillars of the Early Romantic Revival. Both are avid nature lovers. However, Coleridge loves mystery; a sense of the fantastic pervades all his poems. Whether it is ?Kubla Khan?, or ?Christabel? , the poet lets his imagination run amok and he invites his reader to join the bandwagon. It is to his credit that he achieves that ?willing suspension of disbelief? which is so vital in making his supernatural look believable

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