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The Song Of The Lark
(Willa Cather)

This is another story of a life by Willa Cather. This time we have the story of an opera star. Thea Kronberg has humble beginnings in small town Colorado in the late 1850?s. But she has dreams, and with the encouragement of a few significant people in her life she ventures out into the world to eventually gain fame and notoriety.In this book Willa Cather again does an excellent job of portraying the West as it was in her time. She tells the story of Thea?s growing up years with beauty and fluidity, carefully exploring the depths of Thea?s early character. In her young adult years we again see the values of determination, hard work, commitment; that spirit that built the West. However, the concluding sections of the book, while detailing Thea?s success, feel like they are forced. As always, this book is insightful and descriptive but not the best that Willa Cather can do.

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