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Swamp Monster In Third Grade
(Debbie Dadey)

Jake and his sister Nancy, hidden in the weeds and trees of the swamp, watch as other kids toss a Frisbee around. Jakes is envious. He knows that he can do the same things as those kids, if only he didn?t have webbed fingers and live in the swamp!Nancy cautions Jake about getting too close to the ?webless creatures.? ?Nothing good can come from it,? she says as she swims off towards home and a big pot of crawfish.Jake stays behind and continues to watch the others in fascination. Suddenly, the Frisbee ends up in the swamp near him and he barely misses being discovered.The humans give up on getting the toy out of the swamp and finally leave. Jake, curious about the strange object, retrieves it. He tosses it around like he saw the kids do earlier. It lands in a metal can. After digging it out Jake samples the strange-smelling foods that the humans have thrown away. Finding some orange sticks, he eats them all because they?re crunchy and delicious. Not long afterwards, he starts to feel sick, becomes dizzy and faints. When he opens his eyes, his worst nightmare has come true. The humans have discovered him! He?s afraid that he?ll end up in the zoo like one of his cousins. Lucky for him, whatever he has eaten changed him. To his surprise, he has pale skin and no gills.Thinking that Jake has amnesia, the other kids try to help him. They take him to a place where he has his first cheeseburger and fries. Tommy lets him spend the night at a house that has a square box with little people inside it. And there?s another smaller box that plays loud music!Nancy, witnessing her brother going with the humans finds him later that night. She isn?t impressed with the things he tells her about them- they still can?t breathe underwater. All she cares about is helping him change back to normal before their parents find out. She promises to keep what happened to Jake a secret until he becomes himself again.The next morning, Tommy convinces Jake that he has to go to school or his mom will think that something is wrong. Jake knows that something is wrong. He?s a human and he shouldn?t be.At school Jakes fears that he?ll turn back into a swamp monster in a class filled with third graders. When it starts to happen, the process is slowed down after Emily gives him a few carrots. However, Jake needs more if he doesn?t want everyone to discover his secret.During recess he and Emily go in search of more carrots. Feeling his gills appear, Jake hides in the boy?s bathroom while Emily looks in the cafeteria. Not able to get the carrots, Jakes changes back into a swamp monster. With Emily?s help, he gets to the swamp but will he make it to the water in time?

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