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Chronology & Biography Of Us Presidents

The federal State of North America, called the United States of America, was born after the proclamation of the Us independence in the continental Congress that met in Philadelphia on July 4th 1776, the establishment of the first Constitution of the State took place on September 17th 1787. When it met for the first time in 1774, it united 13 colonies facing England and it counts 51 States today, from Alabama to Wyoming, which was the 44th State to join the federal union os the United States of America; it includes the federal district of Columbia and outside territories of the State associate of Puerto Rico in the West Indies, and few islands and archipelagos of the Pacific. This educational work is unbiased, it is a successive index of the elected Presidents, from the federalist George Washington, the first President of the United States of America, on April 30 1789. He was followed by a federalist, republicans, whigs and democrates, up to the present republican and 43rd President, Goerge Walker Bush Junior, in power since January 20th 2001 and reelected for a second term on November 2nd 2004. From this very practical index, that counts 80 pages, I know that its author is seeking for a publisher. For information: [email protected]

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