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The Brink Of The Lake Of The Charms
(Maria Alberta Meneres)

It was an unknown planet, barely similar to Earth but different in the existence of clear objects, without color and impalpable. Like this, in this planet he arise and also she, two youths that search the knowledge and unmask the stranger through the search of meanings for what surround them. Judge the parents as being not interested by what they do not know. One day João appears with the help of the wind, initiates the discovery for the stranger, beginning to name them Adão and Eva. Posteriosamente João offers them the sight, the ear, the sense of smell, the taste and the touch, opening them also the doors for the friendship and what surround them. Later arrives a fairy that the tappet the discovery of the hurt and the exploitation of the imagination. Finally, it arises the time that teaches them to be aware to the passage of the time. After all this discovery, Adão and Eva leave with the parents to seek of the unknown things.

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