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Laugh At Yourself
(sanjay gora)

Hi, readers (I can't call you kiddos, right?). This is a 35-year old wanting to give you all a new year gift. And what else can an oldie like me give but the favourite at my age, advice. Well, it's not a three or four letter word I'll talk about. It's my three-word philosophy of life, to live it to the fullest. Laugh at yourself. For starters, you can laugh at me also, for giving you this funny-sounding and unasked-for advice. But believe you me, it works.
Maybe I do make more mistakes than my average quota, but I laugh a lot at myself. To be frank, it hurts me when you people say 'Life Sucks'. Boss, you haven't seen the half of it yet. There is lot more to come. So for god-sake and your-sake, leave the sulking and cribbing to us oldies. You will get a lot to sulk and crib about later in life. So enjoy life to the max.
Now hold the reading for a sec, and think about any embarrassing moment you been trapped in. You might have cursed yourself, cried out, thrown tantrums and what not. But now that you think of it, was all that needed. Honestly not, right? Now even you tend to laugh when you think of that. That's what I wanted to say to you. Whenever, wherever, you get a chance to laugh at yourself, go and do it. It's not easy, I know. But once you try and do it, life is fun. Don't believe me. Well, try it yourself. You anyways will laugh after a month and two, so why not just then, when you make a fool of yourself. I have done that a lot, you know, made a fool of myself, I mean. Go out and do your thing.
People in last century, the century before that and before that also used to say- Life is not what it used to be, Life has changed a lot, our times were different. Don't believe any of that. Life is what you make of it. Parents are not wrong always though. They were also kids once, I can swear. So they know what you are going through. But you see, they are also a confused lot. Parenting is not taught in schools, so they use hit and trial methods. Now don't ask me how to use that to your advantage, that will be unfair. But do give them a chance. You give it to your friends and they give it to you. If they tell you, that PS-II and X-box is not all there is to the world, try to have faith in them.
This is the problem with me, when I start lecturing, I get carried away. So, what I want to say is that having a sense of humour is a great thing to have in life. And its best variety is when you laugh at yourself. This shows how mature you are, saves you from getting beaten if you laugh at a biggie, prevents you from insulting an elder if you laugh at him. Jokes apart, this is the best way to enjoy life and its small things. I am only giving you advice, the real gift only you can give to yourself, by starting to laugh at your funny mistakes and living life fully!

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