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Once Minutos
(Paulo Coelho)

ONCE MINUTOS (ELEVEN MINUTES) Is one of the greatest stories that one could read, where love is a basic life tool, and pain is the greatest weapon for overcoming any difficulty. It is a story that unfolds with the stages of youth, a process in which a woman ceases to believe men, and what beauty, ingenuity, and dreams can do. In the first chapters, in addition to revitalizing the mind and body, all of life's questions are answered, and we are shown that by believeing in what people say, we may be making the worst mistake of our lives, as can be seen through Maria's story, the heroine of this book. Once Minutos (Eleven Minutes) is the title because each time she is with a man during her time as a prostitute, it only lasts eleven minutes. Maria then becomes a woman who does not believe in the love of men because, according to her, men only want her body, not her soul. This all occurs in Brazil, a town that is a 48 hour bus-ride from Rio de Janeiro. Prostitution is a topic that encompasses many truths about men and many things about women--it is all-around the best topic for someone who wants to conduct a study about men and women. Then in Sweden, she meets many men that like her for being an intellectual woman who listens to them, knows how to respond to all their questions, and knows how to feign carnal desires, deliberately wanting to ignore her soul. Then, she falls in love with Ralf Hart, in whom she discovers all of life's fears by having to love him at a distance. However, since their souls are one, and knowing him and his surroundings, what the world expects from them and what they expect from the world, pain is replaced by the beauty of life and immense happiness when she returns to Brazil. In her diaries, she also writes everything that she thinks about life, using the most beautiful words to describe problems, pain, pleasure, etc., and in any given moment, she helps us to better understand why things happen. THE END.

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


