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Zheng Jun Rocks The Summer On Saturday Night

Zheng Jun shone in his
"Rock the Summer, Let?s Elope Together" solo concert last
Saturday night at Beijing?s Starlight Concert Hall. The
famous Chinese Rock Star treated fans to a passionate
performance with first rate guitar. ??
??Zheng Jun performed more than 20 songs for his
audience, old classics as well as new hits. He stirred up
the crowd until the excitement was palpable, hitting its
peak when thousands joined in to sing the chorus of the
classic hit ?Cinderella?.
??Some fans cried while others screamed their deep love
for their idol, Zheng Jun. The popular star has been in
music for more than 10 years, moving hundreds of thousands
of Chinese fans with his songs. The model rock star has set
many milestones in China?s pop-music history. ??
??The concert was part of the "2006 SUPER LIVE Musical
Movement" held by the Jingwen Media Holding Group. Concerts
have been held at Beijing?s Starlight Concert Hall every
Saturday since July 15th. The five live concerts so far
have featured Cui Jian, Sha Baoliang, Zhu Zheqin, Li Quan
and Zheng Jun. The next concert, "The Climactic Moment", on
August 19th will be performed by Wang Feng. .

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