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Marley And Me: Life With The World's Worst Dog.
(John Grogan)

Grogan captures the true essance of what it means to be a dog lover. This is truly a fanastic and simple novel that traces the 13 years of the Grogan's life with Marley, one large, neurotic and well.... stupid golden labrador retriever. Although this book is a biographical account of what experinces the author and his wife shared with their canine companion the book could aptly be named Why not to buy a labrador retriever.
The book chronicles the introduction of the pooch named Marley. The monicker earned after an extremely humours conversation between author John and his wife Jennifer which is finally settled by the mellow sound of Bob Marley wafting out of the steoro speakers. Marley the dog would prove to be anything but mellow. In this writer's opinion the early moments of the book are truly the best as Marley the puppy to the young dog demands the full attention of the Grogan's before the addition of their children.
John Grogan is an extremly talented story teller in his very simple and often comical account of the behaviors of the most neurotic canine the state of Flordia has ever produced. From the constant destruction of furniture and house hold appliances to the ingestions of anything and everything in the home that will fit into the dog's mouth.
All Marley moments are humourse in some nature in the novel but some particular favorites is Grogans account of Marley failing obediance school. This comes only after the description of the dog trainer that tells the group there is not a dog that can not be trained. Marley's brief stardom as the family pet in a full production movie only strenghtens Grogan's claim as the world's worse dog after Marley wastes thousands of dollars of film while on set. There are hundreds of Marley moments detailed in this book as the reader gets to know the Grogan family.
A wildly entertaining and fun book to read John Grogan is a master of capturing the true spirit of the relationship between man and dog and proves that our four legged companions are not the only creatures capable of unconditional love.

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- Marley And Me-life And Love With The World''s Worst Dog

- Marley & Me: Life And Love With The World's Worst Dog

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