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Music And Films

Music and the narrative in the films Music has narrative function, sonorous script, with component of explanation describing the time or the situation in which music is capable to take the spectator to the land of fantasy, to the imponderable , to freedom because it takes part of a set of information that characterize the context where the plot develops the definitive story to spread out. It happens owing to the music is able to, at a certain way to get involved emotionally through romantism, beauty, emitting feelings of fullness, passion. Tatit also agrees that the narrative is able to translate the terms of the intelligibility: the singularity of the emotion described in the melodics tunes we can see that as much as the opera, the theater, the novel on television etc. Therefore, the musicality itself introduces us a narrative for the succession of the presented chords being able to awake many feelings and memories associating to the dance, to the stage and other ways that want to develop better its own musical narrative. . IN the RADIO soap operas depends upon sonority to live. Since then the communication is essentially through sounds, mainly by the voice and entonation of the speaker?s voice as well the music and the noises presented to complement the narrative. The spectator deals with the speaker only by the sounds. STORIES on cartoon The sonority in the narrative story like cartoon is presented y the use of a figured language: the onomatopea that reproduces, approximately, certain sounds and noises, creating a sonorous effect that can indicate the type of scene that a character is living, his movements and actions. As a notable example is cartoon magazine whose character is Superman and he is bringing most of agitated and full stories of conflicts, using the power of a superman like a true story that happens as actions.And when the Superman is fighting against his enemies or even when he raises flight there are typical sounds as ?Iaaaarrgh! ?, that accuses when he is being reached; ?Ba-dooomm?, ?refers Bwham?, ?Chpoom!? that indicates when there is a boom, an explosion, or even a war or ?Vvshhhhh?, that indicates that the character is raising flight, innumerable sounds are presented as onomatopeas that supplies the narrative in the sonoplastic, graphically in the form to integrate perfectly the other elements of, assuming a greater or lesser importance in the context of the narrative: text, image and action complements at all. Therefore noise on these stories of cartoons has a prominence value in this type of narrative, allowing a bigger dynamism during the narrative; it approaches reading and plot. On the other hand the visual narratives would lose good quality on the presentation becoming mere successions of drawings, static.

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