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The Middle East Conspiracy And The Fourth Dimension
(George L. Darley)

A book review by Literary Magic (www.LiteraryMagic.com), an online literary magazine.
Reviewed by Literary Magic, Editor.

Having a good plot is essential to the success of any book, and George L. Darley?s debut novel has this and much more. I found the story enthralling, exciting and, at many points, captivating. The Middle East Conspiracy is a gripping mystery of complicated twists and turns that in the end all form together to make perfect sense. The book is about American and British Intelligence agencies working together to stop major terrorist attacks in both their countries, and in the end, they are successful. There were a few twists in the story--like a sudden death--that could keep no reader from wanting to turn the page.
The book has too much description and history?too much information is thrown out at the reader at one time. Darley needs to tell about his characters bit by bit, so that as the story progresses, we learn more and more about his characters and get to know them better. The book also has too many run-on sentences. My suggestion to the author would be to write sentences that are short and to the point.
Despite this, Darley has an uncanny ability at describing his characters, and is a master at creating strong characters with interesting backgrounds. The Middle East Conspiracy also touches on something magnificent, something no other book ever has: Darley reveals differing emotions in terrorists? minds as well as in the agents who fight them, giving us an inside look into what he thinks really goes on in the minds of terrorists and the American heroes who battle them.
George L. Darley shows a vast knowledge of modern weaponry, apparel and cars. Also, Darley is to be applauded for the lesson he teaches us at the end of his story--about ?fighting the good fight,? which makes his book important, and therefore a ?must-read? for all Americans. Darley looks like he will have a promising career as a writer, and The Middle East Conspiracy certainly proclaim that.

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