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Pitched Battle For Key Town -israel Threatens To Attack Gaza

Pitched battle for key town

Israel threatens to attack Gaza

DAMASCUS: Israeli troops and the Lebanese militant group, Hizbollah, were locked in a fierce battle over control of a strategic Lebanese town, with both sides making contradictory statements about its status.
Israel claimed that it had captured Bint Jbeil, a major border town and Hizbollah stronghold in southern Lebanon. Hizbollah, however, denied the claim. "The Islamic resistance denies this claim and emphasised that the town is still outside the control of the occupation forces and that battles are still raging around it," it said.
A U.N. spokesman in Lebanon confirmed that the two sides were locked in pitched battles on the outskirts of Bint Jbeil.
Buffer zone

Analysts pointed out that Israel wants to create a buffer zone inside Lebanon, possibly till the Litani river, so that its northern cities would be out of the range of Hizbollah rockets.
However, in a fresh attack on the Israeli industrial hub of Haifa, 16 Hizbollah rockets landed inside the city, causing considerable damage. An Arab-Israeli teenager was killed and 19 others were wounded in the strike. Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Shimon Peres justified his country's offensive in Lebanon as "a matter of life and death". Despite the escalation of the conflict, the United States has reiterated its opposition to an immediate ceasefire. In response to an appeal by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for an "immediate ceasefire", the visiting U.S. Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, said in the West Bank city of Ramallah that "the causes of extremism" had to be addressed.
She added that sovereignty of the Lebanese Government must be established "throughout its territory". Ms. Rice has been advocating deployment of an international force, possibly led by the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), for a period of two to three months. The training of Lebanese forces for disarming Hizbollah was being envisaged after that.
Reuters reports:
Ms. Rice said there was a need to remain focused on establishing a Palestinian state alongside Israel despite the crisis in Lebanon. ``Even as the Lebanon situation is resolved, we must remain focused on what is happening here, in the Palestinian territories,'' she said.
Abbas' warning

``On our desires to get back to ... vision of two states living side by side in peace.''
Mr. Abbas, who has been struggling to salvage the peace process amid resistance from the Hamas Islamists who run the Palestinian Government, voiced hope that the soldier kidnapped by Hamas militants would be returned and Israel would be prompted to release Palestinian prisoners.
Israel dropped new leaflets over Gaza on Tuesday, warning that it would escalate its attacks on arms stores and militant leaders due to continued rocket firings.

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