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From Parchment To Power: How James Madison Used The Bill Of Rights To Save The Constitution
(Robert A. Goldwin)

This book tells the story of how the Bill of Rights was amended to the Constitution and, more important, it explains how that addition completed the Constitution by clarifying the status of the American people.
The author is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and the senior editor of the AEI Press series A Decade of Study of the Constitution.
From Parchment to Power is a book about the making of the Constitution of the United States and its Bill of Rights. The book began as a straightforward account of why and how the first ten amendments were added to the Constitution, but it unavoidably became much more than that. It developed into an account of what is required, in thought and action, for a people and their political leaders to make an enduring constitution establishing a democratic republic. As the story unfolds, we see how James Madison thought through, and then implemented, a design to put the Constitution on the firmest possible foundation, a foundation of popular support so solid that the Constitution has lasted incomparably longer than any other in the world.

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