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Telling The Truth: Why Our Culture And Our Country Have Stopped Making Sense-and What We Can Do It
(Lynne V. Cheney)

This book is a study of the threat to American culture and society posed by contemporary doctrines of multiculturalism, critical legal studies, radical feminism, and critical race theory. The author is the W. H. Brady, Jr., Distinguished Fellow at AEI. Excerpts from the book's introduction follow.
As one witness reported it, "The scene . . . recalled the daily minute of hatred' in George Orwell's 1984, when citizens are required to rise and hurl invective at pictures of a man known only as Goldstein, the Great Enemy of the state." And I was Goldstein, one of the enemies whose very name evoked jeers and hoots from the assembly--which, somewhat surprisingly considering their behavior, happened to be composed of academics from Duke University and the University of North Carolina. And what had I done to deserve demonization by this distinguished group? As chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), I had written a pamphlet entitled, innocuously enough, Humanities in America: A Report to the President, the Congress, and the American People. In it, I had observed:

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