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The Clue Of The Twisted Candle
(Edgar Wallace)

The Clue of the Twisted Candle

Edgar Wallace

This is a mystery story that traces
a few years in the life of a crime writer, John Lexman. Though being one who
thinks and writes about crime, Lexman is unable to realize the evil intentions
of a person he considers a friend, a Greek called Kara. Lexman?s wife had
rejected Kara before her marriage to Lexman. Kara is a lord in his own right in
his native place. He takes the rejection seriously and plans revenge. How he
goes about his revenge and how the detective T.X. tries to trap him later on
form the crux of the story. Kara is mysteriously killed in his bedroom, and no
one is able to piece out the elements of the crime, including the identity of
the murderer. For readers who are tired of modern-day spy stories and gun wars,
this detective story told in simple terms comes as a welcome relief and makes for
great reading. The narrative is racy; and few can predict the ending. This
e-book is available in the archives of Project Gutenberg

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