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The Apócrifas Origins Of The Christianity
(Frei Jacir de Freitas Faria)

The study it consists of a commentary to the evangelhos of Madalena and Tomé and of the presentation of the history of Maria, the mother of Jesus, Jose and the infancy of Jesus in the apócrifos. Jacir is one of the searching greaters on the subject in the country. For it, the subject fascinates, therefore it inverts many aspects had as certain throughout the Christianity.
It indicates that the form with that the Christian tradition dealt Madalena is all maken a mistake. ?The interpretation made for the Church of Lc 7, 36-50, that it identified the cited pecadora as being Maria Madalena, made of it a prostitute. Fact that nobody more dared to doubt?, says. In evangelho of Madalena and other apócrifos, it it is presented as strong leadership and that Peter to the point of it threatened to conspire against it, asking for the Jesus who banished it from the group of the apóstolos. ?With the spreading of these evangelhos, it is possible to also perceive one another profile of Peter, a misógino, machista man?, says frei.
The research of frei Jacir returns to the primórdios of the Christianity. It unmasks a time daily pay-church Catholic, therefore it shows to the origins of the followers of Christ and the way as Jesuses and its message had understood. What we have in the Bible is the version that if became officer, canonic. Integrated vision Jacir explains that one alone Christianity did not exist. That is, only one version of the facts of that period did not exist. The importance to know that diverse followers of Christ existed helps to understand as an only integrated vision appeared. With these research the one can be discovered that the Church of the centuries that if had followed to the facts told with Jesus finished choosing a truth in its interior, that adjusted to its objectives. ?We can speak of some cristianismos, that one of the community of Landmarks, Mateus, Lucas, João, Tiago, brother of Jesus, Maria Madalena, Tomé, Pablo, the Acts of the apóstolos?, affirms.
Each community gave its tone to its writing. Mateus focused the Jewish side of Jesus. Landmarks, the Jesus missionary; Lucas, the saving Jesus of the humanity; Acts of the Apóstolos, the Jesus of the apostolicidade; Pablo, the Jesus revived. Maria Madalena looked for to trace the profile of Jesus revived, human being and revealer of teachings the holy ghosts. Tomé disclosed Jewish the Jesus, anti-Roman and místico revolutionary. Tiago, the brother of Jesus, announced the revolutionary Christ, but he was sultry.
The subsequent Christianity, exactly being pursued for Rome, was if adjusting to the empire. The gnosticismo, another chain of thought in the origins of the Christianity, considered heretical, resisted the institutionalization of the religion. The Christianity, that gave the tone to the coming teachings on Christ, was of the apostolicidade, led for men who had hindered the leadership them women. This did not happen with gnósticos groups, where the women were masters, prophetesses and priestesses. It had theological disputes between the first Christians.
?Pointed as heresy, the ideas of groups, as the Gnósticos and Docetas, they had been you banish from the Christianity. These groups had created an alternative literature, apócrifa. The gnósticos believed that the salvation was in the knowledge of God and itself exactly and that a eclesial hierarchy was not necessary to arrive the God. Each one can cover its way of Salvation. This created problems.?
Thus, the narratives that speak of Jesus and the birth of the cristianismos are stories on as the Christians, Jews and not-Jews understood Jesus. The Biblical stories narrative first are repassed of verbal form. For the studies of frei Jacir and other scholars of the religion, they are possible to identify as a Bible arrives until us that very could well have another content. Jacir affirms that the study of these evangelhos it excites divergent opinions between the scholars.A chain exists that defends the falseness of these texts, which had been written by not trustworthy people - and that therefore they had exaggerated in the narratives or they had written `not-inspired truths'. Others, in which it includes itself, defend that these texts must be studies in critical and ecumenical way. To respect the diversity of thought in the origin of the Christianity is a way of salutar. This not means, explains Jacir, to proclaim inspiration of this texts, but to dialogue with them and to discover, for example, that the woman had important paper at the beginning of the Christianity, that God was seen with Father and Mother, but avenged the idea of God-Father.
Moreover, we are born in state of grace, without original sin `'. ?It does not have sin! We are who we create the sin, when we act as the habits of our nature we adulterate?, he says, according to evangelho of Maria Madalena. ?It is well certain that the exageros in the apócrifos must be understood in the context of the popular mercy that wanted to enaltecer Jesus and its followers?, it affirms Frei Jacir.

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