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Death Is Not A Horror

If Death results in despair and terror, it also brings peace and rest and it increases one's enjoyment of life.We should nevre fear of Death because it is only a transition from our present world into another.Before reaching this earth our only world was womb for nearly ten months.When we were brought out to this new light, we were terrified first but later we began to enjoy this newly acquired life.Similarly death is also another world which we are waiting to see.
Death comes as a cunning courtier, stealthily wooing with a pretended charm.It commands one's presence as a King, strikes like an insect,spites like a snake, visits like an old friend and finally kills like a hired assassin.Death is actually a release from pain and guilt, and frees one from the monotonous toil of sewing and dusting.It is a graceful departure into the sublime waters of immortality.
But for the living members it gives a terrible emptiness which the soul's departure gives rise to.Death has a complete dominion over life with chilling detachment.The philosophical and religious implications of Death are more deeper.Death is compared to the sudden breakdown of a carefully constructed Swiss clock.A human mind always carries a terrible picture of temporal life with the mystery of Eternity..Though Death ends physical life, it does not cause complete loss, but only a change and seperation that baffle the onlookers.The bitter tone is mitigated by the suggestion of the soul's existence after death.
According to another interpretation, the dead man has not been destroyed but only changed to something finer.Since his soul lives in the Paradise, Nature's deathless quality has been transcended.Therefore there is nothing to worry about death.It is only a peaceful friend who takes us to the new land of Eternity.In otherwords,it carries human souls to the pure hands of God.

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