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North Korea Tests Missiles Near Japan,where
(Senior Member)

Where are the UNITED NATIONS now?twidleing their thumbs and impotent of
anything to stop the demented tyrant Kim Jong Il from doing whatever he wants.This sawn off little shit who claims divine birth has treated his people
in the vilest of manners.This retard with the dress sense of worzell gumidge is
worshiped in the little corner of degradation called North Korea.Why wasn't this sister raper stopped long before now?? Ah yes there is no mineral riches
there are they.The Porn loving internet paedophile sits in splendid luxurious
isolation safe in the knowledge that his STARVING people daren't raise a finger
of protest.This time though his game of chicken with the Superpower might not end as expected,the hawks in Washington want a favour done for backing
Bush all the way over Iraq.Top of the list for removal is kiddies bums loving Kim oh my heart bleeds for him.The thought that this time he has overstepped
the mark is perfect,the Idiot has done all the groundwork for the Americans,if
only the child raper hadn't fired those missiles.The in bred deviant has cut his
own throat if one good thing could come out of the Bush years then this would be it.Come on G.W.Bush we are with you on this,no shit.

Resumos Relacionados

- Un Sanctions Against North Korea

- George H.w. Bush

- The Assassins' Gate; America In Iraq

- The Assassins'' Gate; America In Iraq

- Oh My Non-existent God!!!they Are As Famous As Dumb!!!

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