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The Ones I Call My Friends
(glen duh)

This has been written for some people,
for the ones I call my friends.
This poem is pure truth
from when it starts to when it ends.

For the ones who took my hand
and yet they let me fall.
The ones who never answered
when for help they heard me call.

I always gave them help
and showed them all my care.
But when I needed some advice
none of them were ever there.

For the ones who left me all alone
when I needed them the most.
The ones who walked out of my life,
when they said they'd keep me close.

I was blinded by these hypocrites,
not knowing I was being used.
They said I'd never have to doubt
but now I'm here lost and confused.

For the ones who hid me from the truth,
and exposed me to their lies.
The ones who said they'd keep things real,
but they all wore the same disguise.

I was completely oblivious
when they spoke lies about me.
Even when they lied before my face,
the truth I refused to see.

For the ones who never made me cry,
and made sure I had no fears.
The ones who don't know who I am,
even after all these years.

Because of them my eyes now cry,
and my wounded heart won't heal.
Because of them I live in fear
and don't show the things I feel.

Deep in my heart I still have love,
for the ones I call my friends.
But this poem will not change a thing,
this is where their story ends.

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