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Much Ado About Nothing

Don Pedro, Pronce of Aragon, and his friends, Claudio and Benedic, are about to arrive at Messina from the wars, as guests of Leonato, Governor of Messina and his daughter Hero. Beatrice, Leonato?s niece, inquires if Mountanto is one of the party: a nickname she has given to Benedick. Whenever these two meet there is always witty warfare. Claudio tells Benedick that he is in love with Hero. Benedick hands on the information to Don Pedro. Claudio says he had never hitherto thought of marriage; whilst Benedick says he will die a bachelor. Don Pedro laughs at this remark. Claudio quietly explains to Don Pedro that he is a novice in love matters, so the Prince offers to disguise himself as Claudio at the masked revels, make the first advances for him, and get the consent of her father. Servants overhear this arrangement being made and inform Leonato who, being pleased at the information, tells his daughter. Claudio succeeds in his plan. Beatrice is still cynical saying she will never have a husband. Don Pedro tells her he will find her one. He fixes on Benedick the bachelor, and Claudio and Leonato both assist him in his project.In the meanwhile Don John, the prince?s bastard brother, a malicious and discontented man, plans to upset Hero?s marriage, which is to take place in a few days. Don Pedro, to further his plan for bringing Benedick and Beatrice together praices Beatrice aloud to Claudio, so that Benedick can overhear, and says she is love ? sick for Benedick. Benedick is taken in by the ruse. Hero and her attendant Ursula play a similar trick on Beatrice with the same purpose in view and the same result.By this time Don John?s plan to upset Hero?s marriage with Claudio is complete. His follower Borachio goes beneath Hero?s chamber-window, makes passionate avowals to Margaret (Hero?s waiting woman) dressed as her mistress. The false Hero makes an assignation with Barachio, and Claudio and Don Pedro, by Don John?s Design, overhear and are taken in by this mock scene of infidelity. The consequence is that when the company meet at church for the wedding Claudio refuse to marry, and Hero swoons away. Her father Leonato also believe her to be false. The friar feels sure there is some mistake and tells Leonato to pretend that Hero is dead, and persuade Claudio that there has been some misunderstanding. Benedick also tries to persuade Leonato to do as the friar suggests. Beatrice is enraged at this attack on Hero?s honour and tells Benedick that if she were a man she would right the wrong. Benedick also tries to persuade Leonato to do as the friar suggests.Then Borachio confesses his wicked trick to Dogberry the constable , who brings him to Don Pedro and Leonato, and Hero?s honour is cleared. Claudio?s grief is intense as he believes Hero to be dead; and he weeps over what he thinks in her tomb. Leonato says he has a niece exactly like Hero, whom Claudio agrees to marry. She arrives at the church masked, and eventually discloses that she is Hero. Everyone is happy and Benedick asks Beatrice to marry him. They pretend to marry each other out of pity.

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