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Relatorio Of The Cia: As Sera The World In 2020

?The Report of the CIA - As it will be the world in 2020? delineates the forces that will go to mold and to construct the future. Superpowers will be confrotted not with the conventional war, but yes in ferrenhas battles for technology, market, weapons of destruction in mass, space race and biotechnology. In search of the supremacy. continents had been carried through by the National Intelligence Council of U.S.A. - mobilizing expert in the whole world for the elaboration of the book. The workmanship counts on the preface of Demétrio Magnoli, contributor of the Leaf of São Paulo and specialist in Geopolitics; with the introduction of Heródoto Barber, Adler anchors of the CBN and the Periodical of the Culture beyond the pósfacio of Alexander, one of the most famous French journalists of the present time. Boarded subjects - the technological revolution; The gross domestic product of Asia surpassing the occidental person; Scene of fiction - the world in accordance with Davos; A economy in expansion ways and integration; Emergent powers - a geopolitical landscape in mutation; The ascension of Asia - Asian China, India, Japan and tigers; Paises emergent - Brazil, Russia etc; The energy demand; United States as hegemonic power - how much it goes to last? ; Unreliability onipresente;The intensification of the internal conflicts; The terrorism; Weapons of destruction in mass; A new Califado; Growth of the gross domestic product of China and India in relation to U.S.A.; The population of the planet in 2020; Fósseis fuels in 2020; The européia union; Biotechnology - weapon and panacea; The religions; The status of the woman in 2020; India against China; The Europe can become a super power? ; The changes of the climate; The organized crime; Latin America in 2020; A war cybernetics; The American technological excellency is in danger? ; The international institutions in crisis; The laws of the war.

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