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"old Man's Eyes" By Kenny Porter
(Kenny Porter)

"Old Man's Eyes" is a poetry book that I wrote two years ago and
published through publish America. It is a collection of poetry and
other fun writings that I had been saving and putting away for a year
or two and thought that I should share with the world. Everything from
school assignments to ideas for songs.

Mainly aimed at a younger group of readers, 13-25, it ranges from all
topics including: Love, Hate, Loneliness, Comedy, Drama, Train of
thought, Betrayl, and Observation. As well as a few dedicated pop
culture icons. including the Green Lantern and the Mooninites.

I would reccomend my book for anyone who just wants to read something
fun and lighthearted that they don't have to write a term paper about

It's available on the Publish America website as well as any online Barnes and Noble store.

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