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Life, The Universe And Everything
(Douglas Adams)

Life in This Universe is not everything.

Every creation in this World and Universe is by or from a single energy/atom which we can acceptably term/name as THE DIVINE SUPREME or GOD.

Not knowing this TRUTH all the only sixth sense possessing human forms have wandered away and have lost the sense of direction.

Awareness of this TRUTH leads to SELF-REALISATION leading one back to the single energy, where from all have drifted away.

Ignorance of this TRUTH is not BLISS, whereas Awareness leading to KNOWLWEDGE takes one to the level of SELF REALISATION.

That is the reason why Science is beaten in its capability by logical sense.

That is also why TRUTH in the end is always successful.

So why keep wandering, let us wake up to the facts of TRUTHS and start thinking to become knowledgeable.

This fact of Awareness is created amidst you all by: BABA - May 9th 2006

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