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By Attedanding The Vote Of The Wild Beasts
(Ahmadou Kourouma)

The Shipwreck's story Gabriel Garcia Marquez writes
this Colombian story. The author of this synopsis was born in 1928, has not let grow,
committing with the life, the human suffering, the society?.
Winning a numerous prizes, between which we can emphasize the Rómulo Galician in 1973 In 1982, receives greater prize Nobel to the best writer. This story is really, a political denunciation, on deformations of the pro-government of Colombia and the uses of the propaganda.
One storm in the Caribbean Sea makes be shipwrecked to a ship of Colombian marine, after several days search, give by dead to all the crew. But no, is surviving. This neither shipwreck, passed ten days without eaten nor drink, in a raft, to the drift. This surviving, puts in contact with journalist (who is neither but nor less than Gabriel Garcia Marquez), and he proposes to him to narrate his history, without deformations of the officials. The sudden exited
was appeared to the light many truths and is there, where story, becomes a political denunciation,
that convulsions to the country and costs exile to him to ours writer and young person journalist of then...

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