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Living In Society
(Dalmo de Abreu Dallari)

Human society is formed by people who need one another, not only to keep their specie alive, but also to pursue their personal goals and to fulfill their dreams. Without the need of belonging to communities, men would never organize themselves and would never have survived in a hostile environment. It is the other fellow who can help you in the search for food and abode and it does not matter if this help is materialized in facts as simple as sowing or harvesting, or building, or healing, or even, educating. In company, Human kind creates a huge chain of activities which allows their equals to be born, to grow up safely and to live their lives. The modern world asks even more of this cooperation between men, but sometimes the process goes unnoticed for many of them. Human beings have material and spiritual needs. All and every one need to be cared, attended, loved and respected and many have a creed or a hope to assist them in their daily deeds. Those who believe in spiritual values are able to acquire some forces that sometimes are so strong that their faith can move mountains. Living in society such a vital need for any human being that a rich person who isolates himself in an island, even when food enough can be found for his keeping there, will not be all right. He will miss company and will feel sad and lonely, always craving for someone to talk to or to share his lot. Nobody is an island himself, but the living in society requires fiercely organization to content every one?s interests. A fair society is essential to give opportunities to all. We need benefits as much as we accept responsibilities and rights and limits must be disclosed to all in the right measure. We must always have the hope that we are improving our life when living in society and be ready to fill our role in it every time we?re asked to. That's how humanity can keep its pace to the future ?

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