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How To Satisfy A Woman Every Time

?Why is it that everyone thinks a woman just needs a man to enter her to make her roll around wild-eyed in a crazed fashion and scream out in passion? I?ve read it hundreds of times, and that?s the main reason I thought there was something wrong with me when I didn?t have an orgasm after being `banged`.? ? Naura Hayden
If you saw this book in the bookstore the title is the only reason you?d pick it up. Other than that it?s small, and obviously either self published or published by a small publishing house that doesn?t put a whole heck of a lot of thought into cover lay out ? but the cover does state it?s been a New York times best seller with over 2.6 million copies sold, and it is distributed by one of the top publishing houses in the country.
And there?s a very good reason. This book is a little gem full of very honest advice that clues you into how the female sexual response actual works vs. what we?re usually fed by the media ? and it teaches you a very hot technique.
I?ll be honest, Hayden?s new age speak isn?t for everyone, but the smart guy will wade through the fluffy prose and recognize that underneath the book is full of very solid information. Let?s look at the example of women faking orgasms (yeah, it fills us with dread but we?ve got to get a handle on this sad phenomenon dudes). Hayden interviewed 486 women for this book, 52 told her they faked it occasionally, 124 told her they faked it most of the time, and 310 said they faked it every time ? of the remainder none said they never faked orgasms.
Okay, I should note that this book originally came out in 1982 (though it was updated in 2001) however, the sad fact is that in that time, while men have become far more generous and knowledgeable with their tongues and female orgasms via oral sex, women and men haven?t come much closer to improving women?s ability to orgasm during intercourse. So Hayden?s message is still timely indeed. In the book Hayden notes:
?The vast majority of men are definitely inept lovers, but it?s not their fault. You can?t blame them. How are they to know any better? And if women were any smarter on the subject, they?d teach the men. But they aren?t, so the men keep groping and the women keep faking.?
Before getting down to her secret technique Hayden takes umbrage with how she (and frankly the rest of us) are brainwashed by the media to think that ?every really sensuous woman needs only to have a man enter her to have her scream with passion and writhe with desire.? Since she?s apparently sure we?re not going to believe her (but of course we should because that?s basically what we see almost exclusively in porn) she gives us five pages of excerpts of exactly the type of writing examples she?s speaking of.

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