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The Conspiracy Of The Fools (la Conjura De Los Necios)
(John Kennedy Toole)

Ignatius J. Reilly, fat person, dirty, eccentric, but mainly vague and quite useless theorize on the lack of understanding in which it maintains the world to him, a conspiracy of fools in where he is only the reasonable one, and he goes to everybody with insolencia, arrogance and with insults. It is thirty years old and it has never worked. University went to and there relation united with activist of any thing that pillara ahead call Myrna, that finished leaving to New York because he always preferred to stay virgin, to masturbar themselves and not to have the women for anything. It maintains his sweet mother to him, with a small pension. A day, after a police torpón has tried to stop to him simply considering it by its cap of hunter and his suspicious atuendo neglecting, the mother makes a estropicio with the car and they are forced to pay an indemnification. As they do not have money and is no more solution if they do not want to mortgage its house, Ignatius begins to look for work, although it is not to him far from easy because, in addition to that it is very demanding, the employers they do not value its qualities because, as says, he, lacks some special perversion apparently that look for the patronos of today. It finds a job like in charge of archives in the office of a factory of trousers, of which the owner of the company as soon as it wants to know nothing and where works in addition the in charge González and a secretary who has already surpassed the age of retirement but that she stays in the position by the persistence of the woman of the proprietor to cause that she feels useful, when she only wants to take the retirement and to rest. Ignatius, that in its capricious one to happen intellectual (of that it does not let offer newspaper samples, written loose and letters to its average fiancèe of New York), makes an effort in mainly creating a species of party in search of justice and universal La Paz. In the factory of trousers, where dozens of black work, it organizes a riot that at first is followed by the workers, but who soon will leave it before the delirious proposals of Ignatus, that finishes being dismissed. After another search of use, it is contracted in spite of its little enthusiasm by the position by a salchichero that needs salesmen urgently to go with the cart by the street. Ignatius walks the cart and it not only puts more interest in eating the sausages that in selling them, but that in addition refuses to sell to a boy a sandwich to him to reserve for himself the few sausages that are. This one boy, days later, gives dollars to help him him to deal with magazines porno, and thanks to a remittance of these weapon a commotion in the premises of striptease of the French district that ends wounded him in a hospital. In the hospital all the other personages of the novel will meet almost: the police torpón that stopped to him in the beginning and that is being put under all class of humiliations by its head; the Jones black, that works in the club as street cleaner by a starvation wage that serves to him as leit motiv for infinity as protests in its chistosa form to speak; the owner of the premises, implied in porno and that she will finish in the police station, and a dancer, whom she has loved to enjoy the great opportunity of his life a new spectacle in which she had to let herself undress by a cockatoo, although the animal will end up giving a peck to Ignatius. The scandal produced by the appearance in the newspaper of the news of the commotion in night club causes the new dismissal of Ignatius and the agravamiento of the preoccupation by its future of its mother, who now has initiated relations with a man who tries it like wife. In addition, the owner of the factory of trousers appears in the house accusing to Ignatius to have taken advantage of his negligence the business to send a letter in his name that is going to him to cost average million dollars. Ignatius throws the faultto the old secretary and has the luck of which this one, senile and tired, confesses what it has not done and him librede responsibilities. Nevertheless, his mother she does not deceive it, and the woman, ready to marry with her pretendiente, formulates plans to enter to him in manicomio. Suspecting its intentions, Ignatius tries to escape, but it does not find money sufficient to do it. Then, like fall of the sky, she appears its Myrna friend, that it has come to see how was, worried about the more and more wild silly things that wrote to him in their letters, and together they escape in the car of her in the direction of New York.

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- A Confederacy Of Dunces

- La Conjura De Los Necios

- La Conjura De Los Necios

- Conjura Of The Fools

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