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Eleven Minutes.
(Paulo Coehlo)

It's a tail about a prostitute. It's hard to believe in it, but it's true. The story takes place in Switzerland - in the land of watches, banks and chocolate. This country is a symbol of highly developed civilization. The author however, reveals the dark side of the life out there, in to which consciously falls Maria - a beautiful Brazilian girl. She starts to be a hooker. Well... some believe that such women should be condemned. And yet, no. Maria doesn't fit there. She's giving herself for money in order to make her dreams come true. On the other hand, what kind of a prostitute doesn't do that for the money? Wait a moment... can a prostitute have dreams at all? Despite that Maria has reached the bottom, she feels an urge to love. Everybody feels it. She writes a diary, in which she describe her feelings: airiness for her clients, longing for her family, Brazil and her lust for one man. Exactly. Maria falls in love. But what for does she need this love? She's afraid, because she doesn't want to imprison somebody in the cage of love. An yet, he understands her, because an artist understands more. At the end there's simply love. Until recently it was hard for me to speak about it, but after the lecture of "Eleven minutes" something has changed. I'm more courageous - or rather - more mature. The author breaks the silence and touches the problem of these women, who have dreams to.

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