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Fighting Against The "da Vinci Code"
(Jefferson Plaza)

After the ?Da Vinci Code? here is one of the innumerable essays that try to refute the most improbable and heterodox assertions: ?Against the Da Vinci Code? is a book of José Ullate Falbo, a Spanish catholic journalist who has not appreciated the book and the improbabilities of Dan Brown. But he shouldn?t try to collect in this book his anger even if the book seems not to be well-oriented. Unfortunately, the author proclaims in a nearly exasperated way its task of exalting the Church and this pedantry sweeps up to read, in critical terms, Brown?s book. Because of Falbo?s modest theological preparation is most difficult to succeed, besides its shallow way of writing presents the explanations of doctrine?s master, nor a theologian.
No matter Dan Brown?s incongruence above all the reading concerning Leonardo?s masterpieces are pointed out, even if it is in a punctual way, the rest of the book gets lost in the reprimand of Brown?s agnosticism, the myth of the Goddess Mother and the recantation of pantheism in the New Age. Dan Brown does not go repressed but he goes clowned, because ?The Da Vinci Code?, beyond of being a novel nor an essay or a manifesto, diffuses among the readers a complete iconological and false interpretation, and this is a fact that hasn?t been completely assured.

Translated by Jefferson Plaza.

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