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Seven Against Tebe
(davide cattabriga)

With the Seven against Tebe the attack carried against the city from a group of seven personages is indicated, than directory here under. They help Polinice to resume the Tebe throne. Polinice is the brother of Eteocle, puts into effect it them king of Tebe. I have seen this rappresentazione recently in Italy, on the Germanic cemetary of the Futa, executed from one company that filler all this to the protest against the war and the memory of the Shoa. The rappresentazione that I have seen has been a lot modernized rispetoo to the classic Greek rappresentazioni, but it has been comunuqe a lot interesting and very made. The scene in which stat it is represented was fabulous and it adapted itself perfectly to the tragedy.
the adventurous shipment is therefore composed:

Adrasto, king of Argon
Polinice, expecting to the throne of Tebe
Tideo, prince of Calidone
Argon Anfiarao, fortune teller
Initially Anfiarao tries dissuadere Adrasto, in how much knew that the attempt was destined to the failure, but it does not succeed to us. At the beginnig of the work long introduction between Coro and Eteocle is one. Substantially king puts into effect it them tries to convince the population to have fear and does not say to the petitionary ones not to cry too much because that would distract the heroes who defend the city.

All the seven doors of Tebe are taken of onslaught, and to ognuna of they the king it puts a hero in order to defend it.
Capaneo was launch against the Elettra door, defended from Polifonte. It was boasted saying that Zeus in person could not impedirgli have taken it. Irritateed, the God reduced it in ash with a lightning.
Tideo fell under the blows of Melanippo that defended the door of Preto, seemed died.
Atena would have intentional portargli aid, but Anfiarao, than hated, previewing it the movement of Atena, with sword blow it cut the head of Melanippo and it threw it to Tideo. These, made thirsty of blood, divorò the brain of Melanippo. The goddess Atena, displeased, left it to die. Therefore Anfiarao returned to its door, Omoloide, defended from Lastene.
the other doors were defended from Megareo, Iperbio, Actor. The seventh and last door was defended directly from Eteocle, in assigned how much from Adrasto to Polinice.
Polinice proposed to Eteocle to place aim to the battle with a duel between they two. The brother accepted, but the outcome was fatal to both. The two siblings killed to vicissitude, carrying to fulfillment the maledizione of the father.
the fate of the city of Tebe was by now in hand to the last member of the real house: Creonte, brother of Giocasta.
Creonte gave again courage to the tebani, that they rejected the attacking ones to outside of walls of the city.
Adrasto escaped on its magical horse Arione. Anfiarao, happy for leaving the battlefield, was in order to perish under the tebane arrows, but it was saved from Zeus. Recognizing in he a value man, the earth under the feet opened it. Anfiarao sinked in the earth and went to reign between the shadows: the place that had swallowed it divenne center of a sanctuary.
But the sventure of Tebe are not ended. Creonte decides that the body of Polinice must remain without interment, in how much had disonorato its native land. Antigone, sister of Polinice, ignored the orders and compì the funeral rituals for the brother. Well, this is the end of the tragedy, than in reality part from the previous tragedy of Aeschylus, the Edipo King. that but it has gone lost, of it we have only the composed version from Sofocle. Like always in the Greek tragedy, the colpre of the fathers they fall back on the sons. Bobostante that all that is far away from the modern taste, council this tragedy to anyone is interested to inquire the eternal myth of the war and the fight for the power.

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