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Hush On The Fire


from the pg. 136, 137, 138
the Crossing that publishes 370 societies
Tree-lined avenue of Lexington, New York, 10017 NY

In chapter previous I mentioned as Merton compared the ?State originates them? of forehead to the autumn of the cosmic dance: the entire universe that moves in harmonious rhythm with God. A way to describe the salvation is single not to say that Gesu `the Christ recovers the harmony of that dance in he; it leads we and the entire universe in the cosmic dance. The metaphor is a fruitful one to reflect on our salvation in Christ.
Merton is taking advantage itself completely for enrolled on New seed in chapter final the cosmic dance of the Contemplation aware of an English and ancient joyful song, ?Tomorrow it is my ?day that I dance? - it describes, in a letter to Edward Deming Andrews like ?a beautiful joyful song on God that dances with man in mystery of the Incarnation? (Sees the Earth Ignota di Amore, p.34), the joyful song is made on eleven rooms to everyone of that it is added ritornello
the first two rooms on Are been born them and the Incarnation. The first one says;
This phrase in order to call my true love to the dance? or a variation of he, is repeated to the end of every room, before the ritornello that it invites the true one loves to sing. From now every room it concludes with I invite in order to dance and to sing.
the second room is also on the Incarnation and the notion of the dance begins to assume wider dimensions of the solidarity with the human and entire race. And the scope of that solidarity (is a beautiful image of being jobs to mesh to human nature) was for the salvation - that it is probable that it leads to us in its dance: the dance of the harmony and unit, the dance of the contemplation. Warning that is my ?True Love? that is be calling to the dance. The ?true Love? is a singular name that turns out, while wanting to say test, to be plurale; it is in feet for all of the persons of God, indeed for all of the creation; for all that God it made it is the object of the love of God and is called to the dance.
Room four speaks about Gesù' Baptism in which the Saint Ghost made on he look and the voice of Its father was felt to scream the ?my true love to my dance.? To this point in the joyful song of the Jesus dance è' dances and are to that dance that God calls its people. God will save through Jesus. It is a dance lead from Jesus who us returns to the harmony and the oneness with God. The fifth room and sixth speaks on dark side about Gesù' the life; the temptation, inimicizia, tradimento. The devil makes its best to persuade Jesus to renounce to the interlinea adds them of the dance. And there is dusk of tradimento within one of its just. Judas is a symbol of a weak person and some time humanity perversa, threatening to destroy the rhythm of dance.When continuously he sold Jesus, the Bramosia di Judas in order to be left over, says to the guards with he:

Meaningfully the brand that Judas gives its companions in order to identify Jesus is that it is what is the leader of the dance. The dusk forces that create alienation and disarmonia cannot attend the presence of what door unit and communion. They must seize it and eventually they must destroy it. There is therefore the appearing defeat that comes with dead women. ?They flagellated me and poor me to nothing, > Judging to me in order to die to lead the dance. This back intrigues because it could be read for meaning he or was put to dead women for wanting to lead the dance or in order that is probable that he it conduca> if the meant one second is taken, the room incarnates one repair doctrine; it was Gesù' dead women whom the harmony of the creation has restored. Its dead women door to term ours to-one-ment with God.

Room nine speaks on Its crocifissione and before suggests to a topic belovo Christian tradition much, cioé that the Church, lae Jesus factory one with God nacque from its pierced side. The water and the blood that they publish from its side symbolized Baptism and the Eucaristia, the two great sacramenti that they create the Church there and qualify the Victoria of Christ adapted and in he it becomes one with God.
This joyful song impressive concludes, in room ten and eleven, with the Victoria of Jesus - a Victoria described in terms of the dance.

Extracted scitto from srjasfer
[email protected]

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