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Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit
(Jeanette Winterson)

Jeanette Winterson's quite brilliant attempt at the allegorical novel has paid off in full. It is a journey of self-discovery and identity, which deals with issues such as; sexuality, feminism and how our childhood development can shape our future life. The half-autobiographical style adopted by Winterson enables the reader to become completely involved with the main character Jeanette and follow her journey in its entirety.
It is quite clear that the Bible has had a large influence on Jeanette Winterson, and can even be seen in the chapter references; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges and Ruth. The religious overtones throughout the entire novel are related with the story of Jeanette herself. The central themes of particular books of the bible can be seen in the novel, for example, the wilderness represented in Numbers is effectively shown by the onset of adolescence in Jeanette.
There are interludes in the main text with stories, which would fit quite comfortably in the fairytale genre, that represent the different aspects of Jeanette?s character and the turmoil she is facing. The themes which most stand out are those of security versus restriction. At what point do the walls, which keep up secure start to restrict us and become a hindrance? Is there a happy medium between the two and how do we achieve it?
Winterson excels at showing the development of her relationship with her mother, who is very domineering and an extremely religious women. This intricate relationship begins with Jeanette never leaving the side of her mother, and progresses to an almost total split between the two characters.
Although a review of this length can provide a general description of the novel, I do not believe it can give Jeanette Winterson?s novel the credit it deserves. In short it is an excellent novel.

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