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Until The Real Thing Comes Along
(Elizabeth Berg)

Until the Real Thing Comes Along is the story of a woman, Patty Murphy, desperately wanting to become a mother and have the perfect family. And that would be great if it wasn't for one small problem... she's in love with a gay man. And that's the story, saying this about the book is enough to give you an idea of what it is about. However, it is not enough to really understand the book. Even though the story is very simple and written in a way that makes it very easy to read, this is not a poor book in any way. Alright, so it's not about anything complex, it's not a classic, it's not a book that you will remember for the rest of your life, it won't even be on your top ten favorites. But, still, this is a precious book as it is delightful to read, at times funny, other times moving, always dead on spot on describing a female character that is sweet and vulnerable. It is a book that looks at the most basic side of women, the inner desire to bear children but more than that as well: friendships, the comfort of food, the relationship with parents, the troubles in dating, without ever wanting to be all over the top or pretending to be intelectual. You'll sometimes be reading it and feel as if you're listening to a private female phone call. If you're looking for an intelligent book on the meaning of life that will you getting thinking about things, then forget it. But, on the other hand, if all you're looking for is to have a good time reading a candid story about a woman who wants nothing more than to have a child, by all means, go ahead and read this one. It's tender, sweet, funny, simple.

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