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`good And Bad Sides Of Private And State Schools`

`Good and bad sides of private and state schools`

The evolution of education is connected with the development of various types of schoolslike: boarding, mixed, comprehensive or even single sex. I am going to discuss state and private ones, their positive and negative sides.
Let me start with independent one. Like every school, actually, it has advantages and disadvantages. I am going to start with some good sides. First of all, this type of educational institution gives a better chance to get the knowledge. What I am suggesting is that usually groups of students are much smaller than in a public school. What is more, the contact with a teacher is superior, he or she has a bigger influence on pupils. Everyone knows that situation like this causes better results in learning. On the other hand, I must admit that independent school has also negative sides. The main disadvantage is that we have to pay a tuition. This supports my argument that not everybody can afford for it and be a student of this kind of school. Let me give you another egzample: private school is not so renowned as the public one.
Next type school is the state one. It has also both drawbacks and advantages.. The main positive side is that we do not have to pay a tuition if we do not want to or we just do not have money. Furthermore, this kind of school is more renowned than the independent one and this fact is very important. What is more, in a state school there are more students in a class. The point I am making is that it causes a `fight` among students which relays on having better marks. In other words, pupils give their best. I think that it is a very positive phenomenon which prepares young people to later life.
On the other hand, there are also some disadvantages. I think, for instance, about students` problems connected with gaining knowledge. It is patently obvious that whenin one group there are too many people, learning is more difficult. I mean that a teacher cannot check if everybody is prepared to a lesson becouse he or she is not able to ask every person during one lesson. On the contrary to the private school, the state one is poorly equipped becouse the state does not give enough money for educational institutions.Becouse of this situation a school cannot buy new blackboards, desks or books for poorlier students.

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