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Why Are Some People Left Handed ?

You must have seen people who eat, wirte or play with their left hand. But more people in the earth are right handed. Less than one person in six is left - handed.
Our brain is a complicared organ . The rate half of the brain controls the left side of the body and the left side controls the right side of the body. In most of the people, The left side of the brain is better developed, So the right hand is more efficient and stronger than the left one.
No one knows for sure why it happens, but sometimes in some people the right side of the brain is better developed. And this makes their left hand work better.
According to some expert, It is possible that the reason goes back to ancient days or even the days of caveman. When people fought , A right handed person would fight with a weapon on his right hand and use left hand to shield his body. The person who shielded his body on left side will protect his heart . So, they have better chances of survival than that of the left handed fighters. So more right handed person lived on earth.

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