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The Mirror In The Mirror
(Ende, Michael)

From one of the greatest fantasy writers comes this marvelous book, for all of those people that never stop dreaming and that end up convinced that reality isn't necessarily what we can call "evident". Here we find ourselves with images that transport us to another dimension, each image taking us to another; to another world, to different circumstances, to different people. But as some philosophers say, life is a cycle. When we don't realize this, we are back at the beginning again. This voyage to the fantastic is a mix that prevents us from seeing exactly when we cross the border between reality and fantasy. It makes us reflect on completely serious subjects that have happened to all of us in one way or another. The themes are varied: God, liberty, illusions, emotions...However, they are always surrounded in a blanket of magic that makes this short story seem like another reality. Ende's stories are wrapped in innocence and at the same time, acute knowledge. In my opinion, I would consider him a purifier of ideas. I won't try to pursuade you before you begin to read this book. You have to make up your own mind. Ende has given us a legacy of fantastic stories like "Momo", "The Interminable Story", and "The Prison of Liberty". Some of these have been taken to the big screen, but I can be sure there is no comparison with the images that Ende has given us, waiting to be uncovered in another universe.

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