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Memorias De Una Geisha (memoirs Of A Geisha)
(Arthur Golden)

The story begins with an interview with Sayuri, an important Geisha of
her time, in which she tells of the day when she comes to know Mr.
Tanaka, calling it the best day of her life, but also the worst. A
native of Yoroido, Japan and daughter of a fisherman with a future
holding little promise, she like her sister is sold to Mr. Tanaka.
Sayuri is taken to an Okiya and her sister to a brothel (one of the
reasons she being of greater age). In this novel, the education
received by the Geishas is told by means of a fascinating history
full of magical and aslo painful moments. Hatsumono, the head Geisha of
the Okiya, jealous of the peculiar beauty of Sayuri, is one of the main
obstacles to Sayuri becoming a Geisha. Sayuri, desperate by the
misfortune that has befallen her and her sister, receives consolation
from an important man who becomes her platonic love, which being a
Geisha, she can recognize. Arthur Golden realizes a magnificent work in
this novel since the reader will be able to experience and come to know
one of the most important facets of Japanese culture, and to change any
erroneous image such as that held by many Occidentals about the work of
the Geishas, who historically, are the ones encharged with making
celebrations the more entertaining with their abilities, in, for
example, dance and the playing of musical instruments. The Geisha that
draws in the most money for her Okiya has the right to inherit it and
Mameha, a Geisha who enjoys great prestige, helps Sayuri in this
objective. Prestige is one of the main characteristics required by a
Geisha to prevail. Part of story takes place in the days of the war and
Japan undergoes great economic crises and important social changes, and
in the new social situation the Okiyas and the tea houses undergo great
changes also.

Resumos Relacionados

- Memoirs Of A Geisha

- Memoirs Of A Geisha

- Memorias De Una Geisha

- The Geisha

- Memoirs Of A Geisha

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