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The Demi-monde In Maupassant's "ball Of Fat
(Guy de Maupassant)

Guy de Maupassant is considered a realist or naturalistic writer who was a master of the short story form.  He was never really accepted by the French Academy, his writing was considered to be too sensual and controversial. His writing was mostly satiric, mocking the hypocracy of the upper-class or bourgeoisie of French society. However, Maupassant?s writing became extremely popular in Europe and is still popular today.
Maupassant? use of the demi-monde in his short story Boule de Suif or Ball of Fat is very effective. The demi-monde was a class of women who lived on the fringes of respectable society, who depended on money from rich and usually upper-class lovers. Maupassant upturns the apple cart in his technique by using unlikely to display honorable virtues.

Ball of Fat is set during the Franco-Prussian War and Maupassant?s realistic style is cutting in his portrayal of the wealthy bourgeoise. Two important characters particularly stand out; Cornudet, a wealthy merchant, a democrat and liberal, who is considered the terror of respectable people and a young woman named Elizabeth Rousset, or better known as Ball of Fat, a prostitute with a heart of gold. There is also a Count and Countess, two nuns and another gentleman named Loiseau.

It seems everyone has forgotten to bring lunches in their haste to escape the city so Elizabeth happily shares hers with everyone. Temporarily, she gains the respect of the people. When a Prussian officer does not allow the people to leave unless he spends the night with Ball of Fat, everyone expects Elizabeth to give in to him. She finally does, after pressure from the group and is scorned and rejected in the final scene.

Ball of Fat is the heroine, the group?s liberator; she displays courage, honor and true patriotism. In the ending of this story, the group is allowed to leave and on the trip home, everyone has food but Elizabeth. The tragedy is that everyone seems to have forgotten her sacrifice and none will share their food with her.

Mauspassant handling of the denouement in its starkness and poignancy is an appropriate ending to a very sad story.

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