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The Dark Portal : The Deptford Mice Book 1
(Robin Jarvis)

The first book of Robin Jarvis's fantasy trilogy about rats and mice. The book begins with family mouse Arthur Brown going into the sewers, being captured by the rats who live there and offered to their unseen god Jupiter who hides within the dark portal. Arthur's daughter, Audrey, refuses to believe that her father is dead. An old psychic rat tells her that she is destined to become a hero and save all the micefolk from death, but secretly she is in league with the mighty Jupiter and betrays Audrey. When Audrey is captured by the rats it is up to a small group of her friends to go into the sewers to rescue her. Down in the sewers they discover that Jupiter's rats are digging deep into the earth, although none but Jupiter know what they are digging for is to unearth The Black Death. While Audrey's friends rush to save her, the rats finally uncover the evil disease they have unwittingly been digging towards, and only a cave in prevents the disease being unleashed beyond the sewers. Meanwhile, Audrey is saved and forces Jupiter to emerge from his hiding place. It is revealed that Jupiter is not the demon that he was rumoured to be, but is in fact a monsterous, bloated cat. With the power of am amulet, Audrey blinds Jupiter and lures him his death in the sewer waters. The mice return home from the sewers believing that they are rid of Jupiter and the rats forever, but in fact the battle has just begun.

Resumos Relacionados

- Daring The Duke

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- Mrs. Frisby And The Rats Of Nimh A.k.a The Secret Of Nimh

- Mrs. Frisby And The Rats Of Nimh A.k.a The Secret Of Nimh

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